
It's Sunday with Dan | 2024 September 1

Have gun will travel reads the card of the man. A knight without armor in a savage land. Last Tuesday was another boffo day for Your Favorite President Donnie Trump as he took his photo and video crew to Arlington National Cemetery to make hay there while the sun shines. He yukked it up while the cameras snapped and he posed with the families of the 13 soldiers who were killed in the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Unfortunately this was against federal law as the hallowed grounds of the cemetery are not to be used for political campaigning. Military officials attempted to stop this but El Presidente's goons shoved them out of the way, and Trump mouthpiece and Joe DeRita lookalike Stephen Chueng said the woman from the military who protested the proceedings was "hysterical and mentally ill." The woman did not file charges saying she feared more violence from Trump supporters. Hey, since when do laws apply to the Handsomest Man in America? The campaign video was on TicTok 2 hours later. And everyone called him "sir."

And AD Vance made the news too by saying only females with biological children should be allowed to teach. Time to nip that lesbian, sex change garbage in the bud. Vance is winning over more white male knuckle draggers in modern political history than Josh Hawley. I miss the days of Alexander "I'm in charge" Haig. 

Erin Burnett interviewed former Trump mouthpiece Ty Cobb about the new and improved charges filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith on the stolen documents case and even with the bogus immunity  rights the Supreme Court gave Trump Cobb says he sees 6 to 9 years easy. Another reason for the Mango Mussolini to spend sleepless nights posting on Truth Social. 

Trump's best post last week was a photo of Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton with the caption that both their political careers were changed by oral sex. Ya gotta hand it to Trump for keeping it classy. 

Thursday CNN aired the first interview with Harris and VP nominee Tim Walz. The slow pitch softball questions posed by the less than zero Dana Bash turned no heads. The less than 40 minute interview was the equivalent of store brand ketchup. It did the job but nobody went wild. Except the MAGA heads who called Kamala a pussy for not being by herself. But you would not expect the likes of Sean Hannity or Greg Gutfeld to give her a pass. It drew 6 million viewers, but "Big Brother" pulled 3 million at the same time, so don't expect the world to change. 

How can Julie Chen continue to live with the sexually abusive Leslie Moonves after all these years? Remember the Contours great "First I Look at the Purse." Friday Trump met in Washington DC with the 2025 Project approved Moms For Liberty (We ban books!) and told them that his daughter Ivanka should be our United Nations ambassador because she's "beautiful and intelligent." Speaking of intelligent people, it was time this morning for Tom "Chicken Hawk" Cotton to appear on "Meet The Press." The Arkansas Senator was ready to fuss and fight with host Kristen Welker. The pencil-necked know it all told us that the 6 hostages killed by Hamas overnight were the fault of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Cotton said that Benjamin Netanyahu should be given all the 2 thousand pound bombs he needs to turn Gaza into a movie drive-in lot. He said that when it comes to abortion Kamala is the radical, and he continued to tell the lie that Democrats kill babies after birth. He yelled a lot and called Kamala a radical 9 times in 15 minutes. Arkansas should be proud of this red blooded red neck. 

Sorry to say it got no better with Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna next on the docket. Think of all the good things you can say about Velveeta and you've got Ro Khanna. The war in the Middle East has no end in sight. The United States should enforce the laws of war. Should we give weapons to Israel on conditions? Don't ask Ro! Trump set up Biden and Harris to fail in the Afghanistan withdrawal. Kamala's answers Thursday night might have been wishy washy but damn it she's confident. She's only against fracking on federal land. Your backyard is fine so full speed ahead. When asked about his support for the controversial Medicare for All proposal he went full Moe Howard "Niagra Falls! Slowly I turned. Step by step! Inch by inch!" And Kamala can only be as progressive as you can be in a nation where men shave their heads and wear cowboy hats like Jason Aldean. And what happened to him? His 10 minutes are gone and so was Ro Khanna's. Is it time for Cardinal baseball? Week after week "Meet the Press" brings the newsmakers into our homes and we tell them to leave.
Happy Labor Day if you don't have to work selling beer, gummies, and Newports. 

So now it's getting late and those who hesitate,got no one
But they don't understand and no one hears the sound
It's like a waterfall, it's an illusion
~ ELO ~

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