
It's Sunday with Dan | 2024 June 9


Another week of courtroom drama, Trump threats, and the ongoing bribery scandal of New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob "Goldfinger" Menendez. The erstwhile senator did the manly man thing and said it was all his wife's fault. 

On Monday 8 Republican senators declared that in light of Donnie Trump's 34 count felony conviction they will never work with Democrats again. It's my baseball and I get to be the pitcher! The fabulously vapid Lara Trump appeared on Newsmax and said all threats received by the jurors post verdict could be blamed solely on District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Uncle Joe Biden. Trump told Sean Hannity that the trial had been "hard on" Melania. Immature that I am, I laughed out loud. 

The good doctor Anthony Fauci was called to testify before congress about the government's handling of the Covid 19 pandemic 3 and a half years ago. The usual asshats Jim Jordan and Foghorn Leghorn James Comer got their insults in, but the star of the show was Miss Wonderful Marjorie Traitor Greene. She declared that he wasn't a real doctor and that he should be in prison for crimes against humanity. Just when you think her shtick couldn't get more tiresome it hits new lows. She is the mother of three which means someone had sex with her. But who? Who? 

Tuesday it was Attorney General Merrick Garland's turn to be insulted by the same Republicans. Garland told Matt "15 will get you 20" Gaetz he would not be intimidated by their threats of de-funding the Department of Justice. Moses Mike Johnson said his 6 pals on the Supreme Court will all rule in favor of Trump. It's in the bag, kids! 

On Wednesday the criminal trial of Hunter Biden had some fascinating testimony. His ex-wife Kathleen Buell had sad tales of his crack addiction. His ex-girlfriend Zoe Kestan was a pole dancer and said he had crack for breakfast, and his brother Beau's wife said she saw him with cocaine rocks "the size of ping pong balls." Is it just me or is it creepy that he dated his brother's widow? But his attorney Abbe Lowell had the most ingenious defense in history. Abbe said that when he filled out the registration form for his purchase of the snub nose 38 he was not high at that exact moment in time. He waited until he got home. 

Thursday was the 80th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy, France during World War 2. 160,000 troops attacked 5 separate beaches and 40,000 died. Or as Bonespurs Trump calls them "suckers and losers." The Senate failed to pass the Right to Contraception Act. All but 2 Republicans voted against it. Their platform this year is called "Barefoot and Pregnant." America's favorite pipsqueak Josh Hawley told the surly Laura Ingraham that US troops are fighting in Ukraine. Which means he's either disclosing state secrets or he's lying. 5 will get you 10 it's the latter. The Orange Jesus held an outdoor rally in Phoenix, Arizona in 110 degree heat and 11 people collapsed from heat exposure. He can no longer afford to rent arenas and he can only do daytime hours because he can't stay awake past McDonald's dinner time. 

On Friday more polls were released and for the first time in history we have a new category of voters. Republicans, Democrats, independents and "Double Haters." Those are people who can't stand Biden or Trump. Wow it's come to that. Gasbag fascist Steve Bannon failed in his contempt of Congress appeal so he's going to the big house for 4 months beginning July 1. The wheels of justice turn slowly but they do turn. 

"Meet The Press" was preempted today by the men's final of the French Open. I had no dog in that hunt, but my horse Seize the Grey lost the Belmont Stakes yesterday. In the Triple Crown this year I went 0-3. My usual high standard! Edmonton is playing Florida for the NHL championship, and the number one motion picture in the world is "Garfield." I wouldn't even like it if I was stoned. And so it goes. 
Who's on the seventh floor brewing alternatives? 
What's in the bottom drawer waiting for things to give? 
Spare us the cutter. 
Couldn't cut the mustard.
~Echo and The Bunnymen~

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